European languages and nations with no compact territory [EN]
Langues et nations d'Europe sans territoire compact [FR]

Why Ubibene ?

It stands short for ubi bene hic patria - a thought ascribed to Marcus Tullius Cicero, the famous Roman orator and statesman.

Some peoples have borders, others no: they are not less peoples for that. They are widespread in various countries due to historical events.

In some cases they are well there and can say with Cicero "where [I feel] well, there [is my] fatherland".

In some other cases they are not so well – it would be good to know them better and improve their situation.

There are ten peoples of this kind in Europe and their style of life – scattered in several states, is probably prefiguring the future of most European nations, made up of citizens who live there where it's fine for them.

Should they all give up their cultural and linguistic heritage due to distances?
By no means!
The peoples with no compact territory are most probably a foretaste of tomorrow's Europe and can tell us a lot!